SCH007School desksTABLEScolour tablescombination deskcombination tablecreche tablefoundation phase tablegrade R tablekid006kiddies tablepre primary tablesch001sch002sch008sch009sch011sch10school furnitureschool tablesecondary school deskssenior double desksenior double tablesenior singlesingle combinationsupawood table
Item 1 to 7 of 7 items
SCH001 Senior Single School Desk- Economy- GRADE 6-12 (550mm x 450mmh x 750mmhigh)
School Furniture
From R 453.00
SCH002 -Senior Single School Desk GRADE 6-12 (750mm x 450mm x 750mmhigh)
School Furniture
From R 523.00
SCH008 - Junior Single Combination School Desk GRADE 1-5 (600mm x 400mm x 650mmhigh) supawood
School Furniture
R 1,018.00
SCH009 - Junior Double Combination School Desk GRADE 1-5 (1000mm x 400mm x 650mmhigh) Supawood
School Furniture
R 1,493.00
SCH010 - Senior Single Combination School Desk GRADE 6-12 (600mm x 400 x 750mmhigh) supawood
School Furniture
R 1,018.00
SCH011 - Senior Double Combination School Desk GRADE 6-12 (1200mm x 400 x 750mmhigh) supawood
School Furniture
R 1,635.00